Student without a bank account is approved for a study permit
Visa requirements are non negotiable. But there are ways to meet these requirements even in a non-traditional way.
Visa requirements are non negotiable. But there are ways to meet these requirements even in a non-traditional way.
We have heard of cases where international students quite literally bet the family farm on the promise of a better future in Canada, which would
It is significantly harder to prove you are a genuine student when you completed your first education many years ago.
Refusals happen: sometimes it’s a mistake of the applicant, at times it’s a mistake of the immigration officer. looking closely at the refusals and spotting the mistakes could help you to rectify them and to get your desired result in the end.
It’s better to err on the side of providing too much information about your study plans to the Immigration Officer in order to secure your visa.
Study visa – This is a visa that allows you to temporarily remain in Canada as a student. The immigration officer will therefore be looking
Студенческая виза – это виза на временное нахождение в Канада как студент. Иммиграционный офицер, таким образом, будет рассматривать вашу заявку на визу через призму временного
Если вы приехали в Канаду на обучение, после её окончания вы сможете получить открытую рабочую визу и иметь возможность работать на любого работодателя. В некоторых